1. Open a web browser and launch the Paxful webpage: https://www.paxful.com. The Paxful home page appears.

2. Click Create account on the top right corner of the main page.

The Create your account page appear

3. Complete the following fields on the signup form:

Field NameDescriptionComments
Your email addressEnter your email address.Email can be changed only within the first 7 days and only in case of a typo.
Create passwordCreate a strong password.Your new password must :
Be at least 6 characters long
Have one lower case character
Have one special character (@#* etc.)
Have one number
Have one uppercase character


  • Upon registering with Paxful, you get an automatically created username. You can create a custom username later. To set a personalized username, you need to verify your email.
  • Click I have referral code to register your referral code received from another Paxful user.

4. Click Create Paxful account.

Warning: Read our Terms of ServiceAffiliate Program Terms of Service and Privacy Notice. By continuing you agree to Paxful's Terms of Service automatically.

5. Complete your captcha verification.
An activation email is sent to your email address.
6. Go to your inbox, open the email from [email protected] and click Verify email.

Alternatively, to confirm your email follow the procedure described in Email verification.

Your account is registered and your email is confirmed.